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How to Login and Renew your Membership
First time Login and Account Setup
- Click on the login link from the invite email you should receive or follow this URL: https://indianlakeyachtclub.org
- Your “Account Name” / Username is generated by the system. You will need to keep this handy. You can change it later.
- If you are not presented with a Login screen (Username and Password), click on the Member Login link at the top Right of the website.
- After successful login with your temporary password, you will be required to
- Change your password.
- Accept the “Terms of Use and Privacy”
- Fill out the required member information (ie. Mailing address, phone number, etc.).
- To enter your Lake Address, please use the “Secondary Address”.
- As an ILYC "Regular Member" you will be listed as the Primary Member in the system.
- Your details can be added or modified by visiting your Profile.
- Access the Profile by clicking on your Name in the upper right corner, then “Basic Member Information”.
- You also have the option to Change your Username and Password but be aware a desired Username may have already been taken by another Member. This system will warn you if your choice has been taken.
- Additional family members can be entered from: “Additional Members in Your Account”.
- The Secondary Member in the system is the ILYC "Spouse Member" – This member will have an account and login to the Website.
- The Tertiary Member in the system is for Children or other members.
- Enter your Watercraft and MC Sail number from the “Additional Member Data” screen.
- Donations can be entered when you Renew your membership below.
- You may be given the option to Renew your membership at this time, but you may post-pone that activity for later.
Membership Renewal
- ILYC Memberships begin on April 1st of each year.
- You may renew 90 days before that date.
- You must renew your membership by May 1st.
- If you miss that date, you will need to contact the ILYC membership Director at membership@indianlakeyachtclub.org in order to restore your login and ability to renew your membership
- When you are ready to Renew and pay for your membership online
- Note: For existing users, you may be prompted to Renew when logging in if your membership is going to expire soon.
- Click on the Renew icon in the upper right corner.
- If you do not see that icon, select your Profile and you will see a “Renew Early” feature on the right side of the page.
- Or visit the “Membership” page on the website.
- Follow the prompts that will allow you to enter your Watercraft information, and MC Sail number.
- Watercraft information you enter will be kept in the system.
- You also have the option to enter Secondary (Spouse) and Tertiary members at this time.
- Donations and Sailor dues can be paid during the next step.
- The total charges for Renewal will be summarized before payment.
- You can select to pay later, but your membership will not be renewed until payment is made.
- Select your Payment Method:The options are: Credit Card, Pay by Check, or ACH Direct debit from a banking account.
- ACH Direct Debit:Can be used to transfer your payment directly from a Bank Account.
- This will require that you setup a linkage to your Bank Account
- Payment details and confirmation:
- Credit Card and ACH Direct debit:
- After successful payment, ClubExpress should automatically send you a confirmation email.
- This email will typically include: Transaction details (date, amount, description), Payment confirmation number, and a summary of the payment.
- When Paying by Check:
- Once this payment has been received and credited, your account will be updated by the membership director and you will get an email notification.